NASA plans to send humans to Mars A base will be built on the moon before sending So that the process of reaching Mars is shorter Go to SpaceX founder Elon Musk's Mass want to make the race go in my name Apart from this, European and Russian space Agencies also want to send humans to Mars She talks but the harsh words of Mars After landing in the atmosphere there How will humans survive because of the land Biggest of life in Barks Mars The oxygen needed does not exist, says NASA What is the way to make oxygen on Mars? and the International Space Station which Makes oxygen in different ways and Mars in different ways.
Nazarene humans living on Mars There are many things behind the desire Including scientific exploration and space The curiosity factor is definitely there but Amidst the desire, there is also a compulsion or fear That is, due to some calamity on the earth The human race should not become extinct.
that from our world 65 million years ago Dinosaurs were extinct and so It is also possible, an example of which we mean But we are looking at climate change This is perhaps the biggest reason why the coming Sometimes there will be blue on Mars Armstrong will not become one side nor Musk first Intention to colonize Mars in 2026 Had done but now from his side, it is 2029 Predictions have been made that slightly put back the Expected date to put the first human on month l 2029 So let's say we've built a production system Spa making love on the other side too 2 To land up to 30 humans on Mars intended but the question is not who The question is who will go to Mars first? But how can a person stay alive after leaving?
You will undoubtedly find many properties of Mars. Similar in meaning to Mars A day is also called Marchan Day or Sol Its length is longer than that of Earth's day. I have only 39 minutes more there too The weather is different and its meaning is also Apart from this, there are also ice caps on the poles of the Earth. And on the poles of Mars and also on Earth Although the atmosphere is thin on Mars the atmosphere is definitely there but one thing which Perfect for humans to live on Mars Oxygen is not enough, after all, it is on Mars.
How will this oxygen gas be made, too Not for two people but one of Mars To keep the entire colony populated Humans survive in extreme situations If we talk about keeping then first of all care Here comes ISS i.e. International Space The harsh condition of the station's space today 25 years have passed and yet this Continuous supply of oxygen and fresh water to humans. International space has been making Four to five astronauts each in the station There are times when people need water daily. The requirement is also at least 45 liters i.e. 1350 per month and of the year 16200 liters plus 1000 on ISS kg oxygen gas used annually So much water and oxygen means 400 How is this made in space kilometers away?
Two systems were installed in ISS for work There is a water reclamation system. WRS and second is the oxygen generation system i.e. OGS, both of these systems are on Mars. To understand why we cannot apply this First, we need to know how this system works The water reclamation system is done by humans Waste i.e. urine from sweat and humidity Collects water and then cleans it makes one drinkable again Astronaut Douglas V. Locke said on one occasion It was that our coffee the next day would be Coffee is made by WS System ISS By purifying the water already present in makes reusable And thus avoid getting water at 98 Oxygen generation is equal to this.
The system is a little better than the system w rs. takes some water and then gives it a special To breathe after going through the process This simple process creates oxygen which I studied in the fifth class electrolysis of water Electrical current is passed through water into oxygen gas and hydrogen gas turns oxygen into gas for breathing is used for but Hydrogen is a very dangerous and Inflammable gas that fills the entire ISS This can create a fireball by burning in seconds hydrogen gas is not released Rather it is fed into another system This system is called Satian System Astronauts' waste present in ISS by storing carbon dioxide mixed with hydrogen gas Water Methane gas and some hot water Garmile is put back into use are put into the management system But methane gas whose meaning is very He has importance in space outside the ISS.
Methane gas is released which is a kind of There is fuel and energy can also be generated from it. There may be heat also but due to this reason, Because it is used to burn Oxygen is needed for and on the ISS Oxygen is what is most valuable All this oxygen and water from the ISS If we look at the process this Depends on refueling missions Because of course, they are efficient at 98. But still, every system has losses and Leakages do occur, this is why water and oxygen after months or years It is brought from the ground and inserted into the ISS. Refueling missions are very costly In which only 1 liter of water can be transported 400 km above The cost to reach ISS is less than Rs. Hence it is 225 crore kilometers Making oxygen in this way on distant Mars is Not cost-effective by any means For this, a system will have to be created that Uses of resources available on Mars only to Make oxygen from it in 2021 NASA's purse sent rover to Mars I went there just for this experience A device was installed which was called Moxi i.e. Mars Oxygen In Situ Experiment The name was given because ISS The source of water is refueling but To find water on Mars its polar Will have to go to the caps or several feet below This is why the ice will have to be removed by drilling.
Carbon from the atmosphere of Moxie Mars itself Oxygen from dioxide by using it makes it easy to explain in words So the carbon in the atmosphere of Mars is 95%. Dioxide is the moxie outside the atmosphere. by pumping carbon dioxide from it pressurizes it and then gives it a Put in electrolyzer at 800 degrees Heated to a temperature of Celsius Due to this oxygen is converted from carbon dioxide This electrolyzer separates the gas.
Made of gold because gold is an Excellent heat conductor that purges difference It protects other parts of the body from heat. Carbon dioxide to oxygen in the process gas as well as carbon monoxide Its disadvantage is that if this carbon is completely separated in the process It can also form a layer of carbon as that is seen under the cooking pan This layer prevents damage to the pancreas.
This is why I will not delay this process is performed with great care but moxie on Mars at one time How much oxygen does it produce? Maxi needs a lot of energy in the process This is why NASA sometimes Runs only when energy is saved from solar panels Till now it has consumed only 122 grams. Oxygen is what a human being needs It can be kept alive only for 35 hours if More oxygen on Mars through the system If you have to produce then you will need a maxi for that.
Would need a larger version and also A big power plant to run and This is the biggest challenge so far The thing to understand here is that moxycarbon Dioxide first with the help of the compressor Compresses and then heats it to 800 degrees Heats these two on Celsius Too much energy for processes required to resolve this issue Scientists working on a future technology in which carbon dioxide Molecules can be broken only at low temperatures Will be able to heat carbon dioxide in it Not by doing but by creating vibrations within it by separating oxygen molecules from it Currently, this technology will be labeled Tested in but high-meaning Due to atmospheric pressure and temperature It is not possible to do this experiment on Earth.
However, the atmosphere of Mars is not suitable for this purpose. The technology is perfect for Whatever it is, our target is that we By using such a thing on Mars Oxygen has to be made which is present there and The device that will make this oxygen There should not be any dependence on the Earth because ISS is only 400 km away from the ground If the oxygen generation system there is Astronauts return to Earth if damage occurs sending is not such a big issue Wearing emergency suits for a few hours Can wait for refueling and return Earth can also go but if on Mars Oxygen generation machine after colonization If there is any issue then refueling There will be no option to go back.