Reality of Vietnam War | History of Indochina War

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The Vietnam War was a war that was fought neither for any treasure nor to assert any kind of rights. It was a war for peace. It was a war for the freedom of Vihat Video. Under the leadership of Ho Ki Min, the Vietnam War was imposed to fulfill the dream of making it a free country, but this country was in the grip of its Cold War, during the Vietnam War, millions of its people were massacred, and thousands of people became homeless. This was the time of war. When every household wanted to join the Red Army and eradicate the pain for their country, Vietnam forgot the devastation caused by the war after some time, but history never forgot the war that took place to satisfy the USSR and its propaganda since 1955. We also know the Vietnam War fought between 1975 and 1975 as the Second Indo-China War. It was fought in two battles named North and South. During the war, the Soviet Union and China helped a lot during the war named North and South. America had also tried its best to help Vietnam. Both these countries had personal interests in helping in the Vietnam war and after some time, America had also shown its direct participation in this war. The period of this war is between 1955 to 1975, but it had started years earlier i.e. in 1857, just as Korea became a victim of the Cold War between Communism and Capitalism, similarly, rather worse, the situation of Vietnam was in 1857. It was a time when the European countries were on the front of the government with the dream of ruling the whole world, for which they would invite many countries and after destroying their government treasury, the same happened with India in India. Before 1857, Vietnam was an independent country. It used to be a country, but in 1857, France invited Vietnam, after which France started ruling Vietnam. At that time, Vietnam was known as Indo-China. Indo-China included Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. France ruled from 1860. Ruled Vietnam till 1941, but in 1941, during the Second World War, Japan started inviting Vietnam, but during the invasion, Japan had to face France, which had already made Vietnam one of its colonies. Japan was successful in its invasion and captured some parts of Vietnam. Japan could not hold on to Vietnam for long. Japan left Vietnam after losing the Second World War. Japan occupied Vietnam only from 1941 to 1945 i.e. Reigns only till the end of the Second World War [Music] Ho Ki Mein was the leader of the local people of Vietnam who laid the foundation of a party for the independence of his country on 19 May 1941. All the members of this party demanded independence. The people of The Veda fought for their freedom first from Japan and then from France. After Japan left Vietnam, they had become so desperate that, when Japan surrendered after losing the Second World War, all the colonies of Japan The countries that won the Second World War, i.e., the Light Powers, were divided among themselves. One of them was that which, after the surrender of Japan in 1945, was divided into two parts, the USSR and the North-West. The name was inspired by communism, hence the name North-West was inspired by communism. Hochimin had formed a government here with the help of France when it came back in 1946 and demanded the return of Vietnam from the elite power. Because France was a country, it thought it best to give South Vietnam to France to promote its capitalism, and after this South part soap was given to France, but this time the French government did not come to rule Vietnam directly, but handled everything through one of its populist leaders whose name was Bawdi, whereas in the North, the rule of Hoke Meen was still intact, Uchi Meen. He did not like the decision of France to come back to the South at all because he wanted to make the whole of Vietnam an independent country, due to which the people of Minh started a war against the people of South Viet Nam and Bo Di, which was the first The war, known as the Indo-China War, was fought between 1946 and 1954. This war was a fierce battle between North and South Vietnam, which was fought in Vietnam, and between French loyalists and the army, after which an agreement was reached. In 1954, the Geneva Court was signed between the two people, according to which, first of all, France was instructed to stay out of Indo-China, then Hoke Mein was made the leader in the North and Golden Time in the South. According to this God, Vietnam was given a temporary basis. But it was divided into two parts, which were separated by the 17-degree parallel line. Also, it was made clear in the Geneva Code that elections would be held in Vietnam after 2 years and according to the people, Vietnam would be united, that too if the government wanted. They would like to adopt it, and they will adopt it from this election. After Geneva Gaur, two governments and two countries were formed in Vietnam, a North-West name whose capital was Hanoi, a communist government of Ho Ki Min which had the support of the USSR and China, and a South-way name which had its capital A golden time government was formed here which was supported by America. Ultimately, two ideologies were born in Vietnam, Communist and Capital, due to which even after the Geneva Court, both of them kept fighting among themselves. There was always a difference between North and South Vietnam. If seen, both of them had the same idea of unification of Vietnam but their thoughts were different. 9 Days Dr wanted Vietnam to become one and the people here had capital ideas.

Follow Radhara, but Hoke Mein wanted to unify the entire country and promote the communist ideology, for which elections were necessary, while on the other hand, the capital-minded person gradually strengthened his hold on the South and after this Capital list started in the name SouthVietnam Dictatorship God in Dum himself was a Catholic so to promote his relation he started killing and converting Buddhist people. Not only this but the South Vietnamese people used to support Maa. Buddhist people were also killed in large numbers. People of the group in the South also raised their voices in protest against the death, but it was of no use, the limit was reached when Godan Dame got the elections held in Vietnam raided. He wanted his dictatorship to be taken away from him or communist thinking to arise in Vietnam. Similarly, atrocities were rampant in South Vietnam and the elections were raided. According to him, now it was certain to wage war on North Vietnam. Now there is news of both countries but What were the other big countries doing here? After World War 2, the Cold War between us and the USSR was on our backs. Vietnam was also a pawn in this Cold War for these two countries to show their strength. These two countries were focusing on their interests. While helping Vietnam, America got involved in the World War in the South without any reason because it did not want another country in Asia to fall into the hands of communists. America at that time believed in the domino theory. It believed that if a country became communist then gradually all the countries of Asia would get a communist government for which he started giving them weapons and after that, he started helping them with money also. Gradually he also started sending some of his advisors to the South. They came from the motherland to give training to the people of the South, they used to give all the advice related to weapons and war to them, but with time, especially during the period of John F. Candy, the number of these advisors increased considerably. I left when my mother got the news that God in Time had canceled the elections to be held in Vietnam, so today she became furious with anger and decided to fight against God in Time. For this fight, she will meet everyone. First, in the South, people of the group named Veda started identifying weapons. To identify these weapons, a different way was found in the margins. These weapons were used to reach the name Southvet from Lo so that no one could know anything. As soon as the weapons were found in Widman, People came to him and started giving a befitting reply to the call for a fight in the name of Southway. Meanwhile, the anger of God in Time was so great that he attacked the people who were protesting peacefully. These people had many religions. There were people, all of them died on the spot. Due to this attack, other children and elders were also shot by bullets. Now the autocracy and dictatorship of the Golden Time became visible to the USSR and it. Meanwhile, the Golden Time was murdered and the blame for this was imposed on America but after its assassination, our country was going to be directly involved in this war. In August 1964, an incident took place in the Gulf of Stone Kin in which the North's level army attacked the level boards in which the level officers were killed, after which Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and directly participated in the war, but the surprising thing is that later it came to light that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a fake incident which America only used as a pawn to participate in the war. Along with America's direct participation in the war, by 1967, about 5 lakh of its soldiers had also been landed in Vietnam. All these soldiers landed in the name of Southwest, who started attacking in the name of Northwest. They started many bomb campaigns in the North but no significant effect of these bombings was seen because the people of Vietnam were very expert in guerrilla warfare due to which they used to take rest from all the bombings and they entered into these caves during the bombings. They used to shout Jai and if they found any soldier above their tunnel, they used to kill him. For that soldier, going into the tunnel was equivalent to death because they were unaware of this technique of war due to which they got the name North Vehe. It was also seen that the upper hand was getting lighter in front. During this war, the USSR and China helped the North Vietnamese a lot. They did not directly participate in the war like America, but they sent arms and money in abundance. China even helped Vietnam with its medical and engineering teams. Yes, America was also sending its full force in this war and you will be surprised to know that during this war, America carried out bomb attacks in the name of North-West continuously for 3 years. There were so many bomb attacks in World War 2 also. Never had so many bonus days, G Karan also remembers this war, this bombing was given as Operation Rolling Thunder, America made every effort to win the Vietnam war, and they also continuously congratulated the number of their soldiers Even increasing the number of soldiers did not help because only they knew the problems that the American soldiers were going through. American soldiers had never been in such a situation before and it was very difficult for them to fight in the jungles. He was also becoming a victim of the Gorilla Tax.

 He was also not an expert in Gorilla Attacks and Vietnam, most of his time was in the jungle and hilly areas due to which the American soldier had to tell the time by the hour in the water, in the jungle, and on the mountains. It was a lot of trouble for him to go from one place to another. In India, the soldiers of Vietnam had to spend time in this terrain and these forests. America had a habit of carrying out chemical attacks on Vietnam to control the guerrilla war. Now America has started a terrible war. The war with weapons has now started with dangerous chemicals. America started chemical attacks on Vietnam in which many chemicals and agents were used and these were used to reduce the cost of Pan Chemicals. This chemical was to be used in the forests today, it used to make the whole forest roar with its life and Agent Orange was such a chemical powder that when it was sprayed, the trees and plants of the forest would shed their leaves and the enemy would be visible from the sky. Jai used to detect and kill it, but its chemicals may have created a heavy environment in Vietnam till now, Mein was involved in the war only in defense mode, but now he switched to front fighting mode and planned an operation named Wale Thee, according to which The forces of North Vietnam were going to attack the American soldier's army base, the embassy, and other locations. The attacks were going to be very secret, that is, the attack would come as a surprise for America. In January 1968, North Vietnam executed this plane of theirs which was a failure. Although this plane named Northwayt was a failure, it made Northwayt understand that if he wanted, he could win this war. Before the crash, he felt that he could never stand in front of American power. But this attack boosted his confidence level and from here a turning point was seen in the war and where he was pushing his skin to the limit, a photo came out which had a deep impact on the war. This photo is not like that photo. In fact, in this photo, the condition of Vietnamese children was shown during the war. In this photo, some children named Northvet were running away from their village crying for bread. American forces carried out a chemical attack on the village of the people seen in the photo. Due to which the entire village was destroyed, the children you see in the photo, even their clothes were burnt in the attack, due to which left such a deep impact on the photo that the people of America themselves raised their voices against their government. People were very angry about their government's participation in the war and they were also angry about attacking civilians in the war. The media also spread this photo widely and spread it to the people due to which the American people were seen in front of the White House. People started protesting, demanding to stop the war. Protests started taking place all over America, after which America consoled its people and talked about ending the union soon. But after the Tet Officer, it also became clear that It was not going to end yet, due to which the people of America started protesting against their government. Meanwhile, another terrible incident was seen. In fact, in the meantime, an American soldier carried out a massacre. This incident happened in 1968, in which a soldier was killed in the village. Today they went and imposed it and all the people who killed all the children and women were civilians who neither had any kind of weapons nor were they doing anything against that soldier in any way. The photo of this incident is also in the media. After this, the American students also started taking part in the protest. All the people of America started shouting slogans, which were taken advantage of by America's opposition, but in the meantime, the Pentagon report also got lost in the hands of the media. The Pentagon report got leaked. After this, a new form of Americans was seen. They were very angry with their government, which was seen in the form of protest. This report was 400 pages which was written in the report about how the American government has lied to its people. It was written that the war was not going to end but it would go on for a long time Vietnam was not weak in this war but it gave a befitting reply every time. After this report and all the war photos came out, American Father Richard Nixon raised the issue that the people had stood up against their government. This was the time when he was the leader of the opposition party who took advantage of the public's anger and as the elections came closer, he promised the people that he would end the war and America would call back the soldiers. The re-restriction promises made before the elections have taken their toll. The public made Richard Nixon win the 1969 elections with a good percentage of votes, after which as soon as he came to power, as per his promise, Richard brought a policy in the name of Vietnam honors. According to this policy, America was to withdraw its soldiers from Vietnam and the number of soldiers in Vietnam was to increase in the Southwest. They also tried to fulfill their promise by 1970. This is a name that continued till 1972 when American soldiers were withdrawn. Out of millions of American soldiers, only a few thousand soldiers were children in Vietnam. After the exit of American soldiers from Vietnam, the North Way was so common, that the South Way was seen to be so heavy that it was continuously carrying out bomb attacks on South Vietnam. The rest was the demobilization policy. After the application, America decided to make a peace agreement with the name Northwhite, for which an agreement named Paris Peace Record was signed in Paris on January 27, 1973. This agreement was between the names America South and Northwhite.

 Under this agreement, America gave its all san Some of them were withdrawn from Vietnam and ended their war in the North. America also advised North and South Vietnam to end the war. As soon as America bade farewell to Vietnam, South Vietnam fought with the North for 2 years. It continued to fight even after the death of America, but in conclusion, North Vietnam won. On April 30, 1973, the North captured Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, after which the war came to an end. The North Vietnamese won its years-long war and So much unification was achieved that India became a communist country. After this war, the name of South Vietnam's capital Saigon was changed to Ho Cham, but now the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was made Hanoi which earlier used to be the capital named North Vietnamese. Together, in 1975, after fighting a long war, Vietnam became a free nation. If we see that many people sacrificed their lives in this fight for the freedom of Vietnam, then only 58,000 soldiers of America gave up their lives, this number is for America. It was very big, even with Karan, the people there came out on the streets. They believed that if this war was not our country's, then why should we use our soldiers in this way? Hundreds of thousands of Vietnam veterans were injured in which many people were killed. Had suffered many major injuries. 1.2 million people in Vietnam lost their lives in this war, which included both soldiers and civilians, their homes, their villages, and their people, everything was destroyed but the battle of Atalus Vietnam did not go in vain. Freedom Mill Saki They got to see many impacts of the Vietnam War, the biggest impact of which was deaths. A large number of people lost their lives in this war, many people were seriously injured, people gave up their loved ones, and families got separated from each other. After this war, the condition of the people of Tame was very bad. Moreover, this was the first war when despite all possible efforts, they could not win the war. It was as if the domino theory was also ruined by them, but because of the war. Well, there was a special loss in this war and one more thing was seen. The whole world accepted the fact that no war can be won just by having modern weapons, but to win it you should also have a proper army and technique. There was a lot of mention about the fighting techniques of Vietnam in the entire war.


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