The Mastermind Who Killed The President Of America

6T8 tips
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 The assassination of American President John F. Kennedy took place on an occasion when he was passing through downtown Dallas in his highly secured motorcade. At that time, Secret Service agents and an entire police motorcade were present with him. Not only this, but the FBI. The CIA had kept an eye on this entire route for several days in advance, but despite all this, on November 22, 1963, he was attacked near Dealey Plaza and he was killed on the spot. Within minutes of this attack, the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, And the police created a stir but despite using so much force, they could not bring anyone else under the ambit of the law except a shooter named Lee Osworld or they did not want to bring him at all. Was this a well-planned conspiracy or was it an isolated incident? The shooter dodged the world's top secret agencies and shot the most famous President from a distance of just a few meters. No one was able to digest this official story. There was also a simple fast route from the airport to the bank where the President had to go. But why was his motorcade brought through the middle of the city and who had planned this route? Was the official who shot at him a coincidence or was it planning? The reality is that only a month earlier he had been arrested in the book depository. Got the job just on a phone call, but in the video footage of the shooting scene, this girl wearing a scarf was seen taking photographs of the murder, why could she not be found to date and what was her connection with all this? Zam TV's Videos Today is November 22, 2023, but 60 years ago on this day, American President John F. Kennedy was killed by an attack on his motorcade. President JFK's death sent millions of Americans into mourning. At the same time, the investigation in this case has failed to answer many questions of the people. It is believed that the top secret agencies of the US have hidden a lot regarding the assassination and have not made the truth public and it is very wrong to think so. There are all the regions, the first of which is the selection of the venue where the President actually had to go. President JFK had to give a political speech in Dallas, Texas, for which two options were kept, one was the Trade Mart and the other venue was the Women's Building of the White House.

 The recommendation was to select the venue of the Women's Building, but Texas Governor John Kenley wanted the President to go to the Trade Mart. The reason for this was that the Trade Mart was a banquet hall while the interior of the Women's Building was not suitable for the President to go there. The venue of Trade Mart was selected on 14th November i.e. 8 days before ACNET but this news was not made public. Now it was the turn to decide from Love Field Airport where the President's plane was to land to Trade Mart. How to reach: Now normally the presidential motorcade is taken through a route where there are minimum interruptions or turns. There was also a route that could have bypassed the city and taken the President to the Trade Mart from outside, but it was not selected. Rather, a route was selected from inside the city passing through the school book depository from where the shooter attacked the President. If you think that this route was specifically planned to attack the President, then you are wrong. Yes, this was done on the President's own request because he wanted to pass through the crowd of people, but if it is assumed that the Women's Building would have been selected instead of the Trade Mart venue, then the President's motorcade would have passed through this main road. If it had gone towards the east via the road, it would have increased the distance to the book depository and it would have been difficult for the shooter to take aim because the President's wife, First Lady Jacqueline, who always sat on his left side, would have come between the shooter and the President. One thing out of 100 things: In planning the assassination of the President, it was very important to select the location of Trade Mart and as you know, this selection was done by Texas Governor John Kenley, his intentions cannot be doubted because at the time When the President was attacked, he was sitting in the presidential limousine with his wife. He was also shot but his life was saved and secondly, Governor Cannoli was already against this route, he wanted it from outside the city. Only after reaching the trade mart, someone had calculated all these things long ago.

 The President's car code and van were made public only 4 days before his assassination, that is, no one knew this information before that. But something happened in the School Book Depository two months ago which shows that someone already had this information. Yes, exactly 2 months ago, there was a sudden shortage of staff in the School Book Depository. In September 1963, Wasley Frazier was named. A man receives a call from an employment agency offering him a job at a book depository. Vasley Frazier lived half an hour away in a town called Irving. He arrived at the book depository the very next day, on September 13, and Roy Truly, the superintendent there, immediately hired him. After a month, on October 15, Vasle's neighbor also approached the book depository superintendent on the phone and coincidentally, he was also hired the very next day. And no, it was Lee Oward who got 3 After 9 days, Lee Oswald was to be arrested in the murder case of President JFK. Since he did not have a driving license, he could not go outback every day, which is why he rented a room in Dallas on weekends. After office timings with Vasle, he would go to his home in Irving and return to the book depository with Vasle on Monday morning. This routine continued for about a month, but this routine broke on November 21, just a day before the President's appointment. That Thursday, November 21, Lee went with Osworld Wasley to his home in Irving because he said he would be in Dallas that weekend. The next morning, Friday, when Osworld left the house with Wasley to go to the office, he There was a long paper bag in his hand, which Osworld said contained curtain rods which he was taking to install in his room. Just half an hour before the appointment, he was present with some of his colleagues on the sixth floor of the Offered Book Depository. It was 12:00 in the day and it was lunchtime. Everyone went to the first floor to have lunch, but Osworld was present alone on the sixth floor. 

A large number of people had gathered outside the depository to see the President's motorcade. A few employees of the depository were also busy watching this scene from the windows of the fifth floor. At exactly 12:30, the President's motorcade arrives in which the President is sitting on the right side of the car and the First Lady is sitting on his left side. In front is the Governor and his wife. As soon as the presidential limousine took a left turn from the book depository, the entire area echoed with the sound of the first fire. Coincidentally, at that time a reporter was recording the entire scene on his camera. Some people said that two shots were fired. But some even heard the sound of three, but one bullet hit the President's neck and the other on his head. The driver of the limousine drives away from the location without waiting, but President John F. Kennedy probably died at that very moment. Some said his Holia was black and some said it was white, but after the first fire, a police officer from the motorcade saw a person firing on the sixth floor, so without wasting any time he entered the building and went up to the sixth floor. But there was no one present there. Within a few minutes, the entire building was sealed by the police and FBI, and all the employees present inside were stopped from going out, but among all these employees, one person was missing, and that someone And no, it was Lee Oswald. Perhaps after doing this, he had immediately left the book depository.

 He first went to his room, changed his clothes there, took his pistol, and immediately came out. The police, who were now already searching for him, searched the entire city. The patrol was made wireless. An officer present on the patrol saw Osworld, but before he could do anything, Owl fired four shots at the police officer and killed him on the spot. Osworld had now gone and hid in a nearby movie theater. Soon the police found him arrested him and took him to the police headquarters. For the next two days, the police, FBI, and CIA gave him a lot of interrogator gun recordings. No one has any evidence of what happened in the closed room. On November 24, While he was being transferred from the police headquarters to the jail, a man shot him in front of the media and the police. Lee Osw also died in the same hospital where John F. Kennedy was taken. This was the official story. Was disclosed but many witnesses said that this was not the same person whom they had seen at the window of the sixth floor. Before being shot, Lee Osworld kept saying in front of the media that I was innocent, no one knew me but the first thing I saw was. Heard Aba Was One The Newspaper Report in the Hall Asked Me That Question If this whole story is analyzed, then according to the police, Lee Oswald got a job in the book depository with great cleverness and planning and single-handedly managed to defeat the FBI, CIA, and police intelligence. All this planning was done secretly but people say that if Offred had done such a perfect planning alone then how did he make so many mistakes in the end like running away from the building, killing the police officer, and creating strong suspicion on himself or in a movie. Hiding in the theater After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, many investigation reports were published, but each report was making the matter more confusing. After Owlet's death, a theory also emerged that perhaps he was killed by the same people who actually did this. All the planning was done because even if it was a conspiracy, it was not possible to do this work without insiders. Many people believe that the FBI and CIA were also involved in this conspiracy because Lee Oswald was actually a former US Marine But the FBI was already keeping an eye but still, they hid this from the President's Secret Service when he was deciding the route of the motorcade. During the investigation, many evidences were also destroyed such as three bullets found on the sixth floor. 

The shells were first removed without taking a picture and then this picture was taken after placing the bullets again. The initial video of the place where the shots were fired was made by the police but that too disappeared somewhere but proof of the shooter was definitely recorded. Due to this this mystery never remains a mystery, during the shooting almost all the photos of This girl wearing a scarf were seen in the videos, she had a camera in her hand and had captured all the photos of the President's ascetic. The scarf she is wearing is called Babushka and hence she has been named Babushka Lady. Many people have a theory. That Babushka Lady was also a part of this entire plan whose job was to record this scene but to date FBI has yet to find this girl. 


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