The Rise of Hitler and Nazism | The Dark Truth | Biography

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An 11-year-old German boy, Helmet, goes to bed to sleep, but suddenly he hears his parents talking in a serious tone. The child's father tells his wife that it seems the time has come to end the entire family. Do this only by feeling, there is a rate in the voice of the child's father and while describing this rate he says to his wife that Abla will do with us what we did with Juice, now the helmet will give him this time. Hearing this, he doesn't react and goes to sleep. The next day, the child's father goes to the forest with the Puri family and has a picnic, but after this, Helmet's father shoots himself in his office, after which Helmet takes off his uniform. After this incident, Helmet remembers the incident of that night and gets so upset that he does not even eat food at his home for the next 9 years just because of the fear that he will not be able to eat at all. Don't give poison, the story we just told you was not just a story but it was the mentality of the people after the end of World War 2. In the story, Helmet was a random German boy whose father was a supporter of Hitler and who got scared after losing the World War. This time was not only within them but it was within every supporter of Hitler who fought the war because of Hitler, they lived and died like the father of these helpers, Hitler was not only the cause of their death but also of crores of people. It has been the cause of death. It has caused the largest number of jinocytes in history. It made such cells where children, adults and old people were killed by putting them in gas chambers. Hitler had shown such dictatorship in the world that even today people do not consider any tough person better than Hitler. Let's compare, but in our opinion, there will hardly be anyone in this world whom we can compare with Hitler because the crimes he committed were shameful for humanity and the situations that existed during Hitler's time, we can only read but not feel. Sometimes you can do it and sometimes you don't want to do it, but it is said that every story has two sides, similarly Hitler also has two sides, the people see him in two ways, now for some he would like to come in a kurta and for others he is a great leader. Hitler was also such a leader who could create an illusion in people just through his speech. He was very adept in influencing and pleasing people, but it was not that he was like this since childhood, rather Hitler was an artist in his childhood. Banna wanted to please, Banna wanted to become, so what happened that made Hitler a cruel dictator instead of becoming a priest and artist Hitler is adjacent to the border. Hitler was born to Aloys Hitler and Clara Pozil, who named him Adolf. Hitler was kept in his family. He was the fourth child of his family. Hitler was kept very lovingly in his family. Especially Hitler's wife used to sacrifice her life for him because all the children they had before Hitler lived longer for some reason or the other. He did not think much about studies; he considered school studies and discipline life as unnecessary things, due to which there was never any evil between Hitler and his father. Hitler's father sometimes even beat him in anger, which upset him. Hitler started taking singing lotion at the age of 8 due to which he started singing in the church. Because of going to the church, he also wanted to become a priest at one time but this could not happen because at this time there was a turning point in Hitler's life. The point comes when he loses his younger brother Admin. Admin's but dangerous disease is also called death due to which it had a very bad effect on Hitler. He always remembers his brother and gradually becomes such a boy. Hitler likes to keep to himself only and after this incident, he misbehaves with his father and teachers too. He also started performing badly in schools. However, Hitler's interest also changed with time. And now he wanted to become an artist, for which he had applied to art school twice, but both times he got rejection from there. At the same time, Hitler was becoming a person whose interest was in German history and German people. He was born in Austria, but his man was devoted towards Germany. Hitler sang the national song of Germany since childhood, read about it, got influenced by the people there, 3 years after the death of Hitler's brother, his father also died. After which Hitler is expelled from school due to his poor academy performance. Hitler no longer has any future plans, his household expenses and finances are covered by benefits, and on top of that, Hitler's husband's health is also deteriorating. It seemed that Hitler was very troubled by all these things that suddenly one day his husband also dies. On December 21, 1960, Hitler also loses his husband, after which he becomes completely alone and orphan, unable to stay with him. Hitler had no home and no food to eat, he wandered from door to door in search of food and cried. He did not have even a penny to eat or live, due to which Hitler reduced his labor, made paintings and sold them, in order to survive. Hitler did everything that could be done for him. In this way, Hitler started spending a normal life. At the same time, Hitler encountered the mayor, who was known for his affection towards him. Hitler used to live in the Maria Hill district at this time, where German nationalism was everywhere. This was seen in other people due to which Hitler got a lot of interest in both Germany and politics.
It seems that he was also greatly influenced by the mayor's lager due to which he read more and more newspapers and started staying updated with every political news. Till this time there was no hatred for juice in him. Hitler continued with juice till before the World War Van. He also used to deal in painting business, but the First World War had a very bad effect on his mind. As soon as Hitler heard about the First World War, he shifted to Germany and decided to join the army. Hitler served in the First World War. Participated as a soldier, where earlier he used to do only the job of providing information, but within no time he became a popular face in the German forces. He also fought in many battles including the Battle of Mustard, the Battle of Arras and the Battle of Arras. Passion Delay comes from all these battles. Hitler was injured in the Battle of D-Show, but still he did not lose his bravery due to which his bravery was saluted and he was awarded the Iron Cross. However, after the war, Hitler lived for a long time. Hitler remained admitted in the hospital. He had suffered major injuries. By the end of the war, German nationalism could be clearly seen in Hitler. Hitler bore the sorrow of Germany losing the war. Hitler hated the man himself, the civilian leaders, Jus Marx. Hitler believed that these people had stabbed him in the back during the war. These people ended the war and signed treaties that ruined Germany forever. Hitler took this place in his mind. Gave birth to an ideology World War One was fought from 1914 to 1918 in which the Allied countries i.e. England, France and Russia defeated the Central Countries, which included Germany. After Germany's defeat, the political system there became very bad. There was no government there to rule, due to which all the parliament parties got the opportunity to form their own government in Germany, for which the talk of forming a new government started coming to the fore. To form the new government, the National Assembly named Weimar. It was decided to meet at a place where later a constitution was formed and a government was formed for which proper voting was done in which women also cast their votes. This government itself came to be known as Vima Republic, although it was changed over time. Most of the German public signed against this republic which ruined Germany. The most harsh and humiliating treaty was the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles contained so many harsh rules and actions that caused Germany to go through very bad economics. It was because of this peace treaty that Germany lost its overseas colony, 10th of its population, 13% of its territories, 75% of iron and 26% of its goals. After the war, the elite powers imposed such rules on Germany which broke their back. Because of Germany Street Day But day by day the country was becoming a week and whatever resources were given to Germany, all those resources were snatched away by the countries due to which Germany neither had any money nor any resources to move forward and the entire expenditure was also paid in bulk and after giving it about 6.6 billion pounds. Now you can guess how much more amount of 6.6 billion pounds it will have in time. Apart from this, Germany also had to control its army. Many people also blame the Weimar Republic and the Tweety Offer Sale signed by them for the poor condition of Germany. Including Hitler, now the opposition to the Wimari Republic is increasing day by day. The Consum List together started attacking the Socialist Catholics and Democrats because these people support the Wimari Republic. At this time, the National Group has named the leaders and supporters of the Wimari Public as November Criminals. All these people were named according to the national list. The criminals of Germany who negotiated and signed.
National skills, mind set, saw many changes in the political development of Germany. The result of World War One also had a huge impact on Hitler's mind set. And after the end, the economic condition of Germany was bad, but it also affected the thinking of the people. Politicians and newspaper publishers tried to plant a different image of men. According to them, a man had to be aggressive, strong and masculine, the same women. It was necessary to focus only on household chores. Apart from this, trench life was also glorified. Actually, during the war, soldiers made big pits and lived in them, where the reality was completely different from the life shown in the media. In reality, soldiers had to live in these All the donkeys had to face a lot of problems, in these trenches they had to live in harmful gases, racks, enemy cells and filth. Apart from this, they also witnessed the era of time and national ownership which pushed the public towards dictatorship. Apart from the mind set, political Changes were also seen, groups started being formed against Vima Republic in which Spot was a revolutionary group which was greatly influenced by the Bolshevik Revolution of India. People also wanted Soviet style governance in their country, for which protests started happening day by day. Vima Republic held a meeting to calm all these protests, after which they took the help of Free Cops. Free Cops were a group of war vegetarians and jobnis people who worked less for the government, but even these did not make much difference to the protests and some Later the Sist group formed the Communist Party of Germany which continuously They opposed the Republic. The condition of Germany seemed to be deteriorating. People did not even have money for food, but they also had to pay for their war. Germany's gold reserves were emptied, due to which they refused to give money. After which France captured Germany's leading industrial area Road. The world's largest call is found in Road. After this, Germany started printing money to correct its bad situation. Due to printing money, the country is full of notes. But their value fell, now it became difficult to even buy a loaf of bread with a handful of currency notes. Inflation increased so much that a new word was born called hyperinflation, which means exceeding the limits of inflation. At present, America extended a helping hand towards Germany but then due to the terrible Great Depression in America, now America is also lagging behind. After the Great Depression, America also stopped supporting Germany due to which Germany got two shocks simultaneously. Germany's condition worsened with the advent of the financial second world economy. By 1932, industrial production was reduced by 40%, leaving about 6 million people unemployed. People roaming around unemployed in Germany started shouting slogans on the streets of Germany. The condition of Germany had become so bad that people's faith in the government had begun to waver. People started raising slogans against the government. Seeing the poor condition of the government, Hitler took advantage of this opportunity. Hitler came to power at this time. Hitler and neither did his body destroy Germany. He created his own identity in 1919 and from here began Hitler's journey from no van to becoming Adolf Hitler's dictator of Germany. After leaving the army, Hitler joined the Germany Werk Party in 1919. This group was not that big for him at the time, due to which Hitler included him in the group. Hitler gathered all these group members and got their support and changed the name of this group to National Socialist German Workers Party According to this, people were judged by their race and appearance. People were treated according to upper class and lower class. Hitler set out with the dream of ruling Germany. He gradually expanded his party, after which he decided to seize a place named Bavaria in 1923. Made a plan but it spread badly, after which he was arrested, where while sitting in jail, Hitler wrote a book in which he clearly described his future plans and his ideology. The name of this book is Mine. Which means My Struggle, although this book did not become famous among the people, Hitler came out of jail after a few years and again started working on his party. Hitler worked hard to expand his party till 1930 and in 1930 Hitler took advantage of the Great Depression and gained the support of the people. Due to the economic load down, where people had completely lost their hope, Hitler promised the people a bright future and carried out his Nazi propaganda. Hitler gave his influential speech. Through this, he made people believe that if they vote for him, he will get them out of the bad situation every year. During this, Hitler would give big rallies and give speeches, people would get influenced by his words, due to which in a very short time he He worked his magic all over Germany, the effect of which was seen in the voting. In 1928, Hitler had contested elections for the first time where he got only 2.6% of the votes. But this time i.e. in 1932, Hitler got more votes than any other party. According to many reports, It is said that Hitler got about 38 million votes in the elections of 1932. After this, Hitler started showing his true colors. In fact, Hitler clearly knew that there are provisions for emergency and dimension of civil rights in the German Constitution. It was the right time to implement these, for which Ishant was sitting. Seeing Hitler's popularity, on January 30, 1933, President Hiddenberg made Hitler the Chancellor of Germany. On February 28, 1933, a mysterious fire broke out in the German Parliament. Hitler called for a session. Took advantage of this and imposed emergency all over Germany in which civilians were snatched away from all their rights. After the emergency, Hitler brought the Enabling Act, after which Germany became a dictator country. This act handed over all the power of Germany to Hitler. After which all the political parties and unions in the country were formed and Hitler completely took control of the country's economy, media army, after which Hitler's rule became the rule in Germany. Hitler also created special survilians and security forces. Now Hitler had the power in Germany but did not have the money to operate it, for which Hitler started giving a new shop to Germany. Hitler was the first to A company named Hallmark Shot was made diamonds so that it could improve the condition of Germany. Similarly, Hallmark's plans to improve the condition of Germany, for which it first started moving forward with full production and non-fall employment, apart from this, during Hitler's rule. Improvement was also seen in foreign policy. Hitler first expelled himself from the League of Nations in 1933 and then took back his place in 1938. He re-united Austria and Germany. After this, Hitler annexed Western Germany.
In all these actions of Hitler, England did not support him because England felt that Varshali had done a lot of bad things to Germany. Overall, in a few years, Hitler had ruined Germany's fate. Had given shine but he did not stop here, he had a desire to achieve more, although Shark had also explained to Hitler that the financial condition of the state was not completely good, so whatever he did, he should do it thoughtfully, but Hitler was not going to listen to anyone. After this incident, Hitler first of all called out the shot and then he took the decision of war to fix his economics because according to him, if Germany acquires more and more territory then more and more resources will come under them which will help them. The financial condition will improve. In September 1939, Hitler attacks Poland, after which France and England also join the war, because just as Britain promises to support Belgium in World War Van, in the same way Britain promises to support Poland. Also, a treaty has been signed according to which Britain has to support Poland, on the other hand, Germany has signed a treaty with Italy and Japan so that they can increase their power at the international level. If seen, till 1940 there would be a World War. Germany's condition was good in 2, but in the intoxication of his power, Hitler makes a mistake due to which Germany loses the war. In fact, as Hitler sees that he is winning the war, he also gives up on the dream he had been dreaming of for years. According to what he wants to do, Hitler wants to capture Eastern Europe. To fulfill this dream, Hitler declares war on the Soviet Union in 1941, after which Hitler fails to simultaneously handle Britain in the West and the Soviet Union in the East. It goes to Berlin and gives the German Army access to Berlin, due to which the Soviet Union also gets to see an unsuccessful phase in the world. America remains out of the war till now, but due to the attack on America's Pole Harbor in the Pacific Ocean, America also goes to war. Hitler realizes that he is losing control over the war but he decides to stay in Berlin until the war ends and at this very place Hitler mysteriously kills himself and Shoots his wife. Before shooting himself, Hitler asks his physician Berner Hand what is the best way to commit suicide, then he tells Hitler about a pistol and poison, after which Hitler kills himself. Shoots and the world's most dangerous dictator comes to an end. He is found guilty of naked modeling throughout his time period. No lower class mentality exists according to the body. Only those people should be treated like a corporation. Those people are at the top of the society. Among the people who come under the category of blonde, blue and white German Aryans, the rest of the Jews were considered to be the lowest class of the society according to their body. They were considered enemies of the Nazi people. Overall, people were treated according to their physical appearance. Only whole and healthy Naughty Aryans were treated as Najis. Under Hitler's rule, only the pure and healthy Aryans were given preference in the society, especially those who were tortured more. The Narcissus were considered as their enemies. This enmity was age old. Discrimination was done which Jews were hated. The biggest reason for the President of Germany was to go everywhere in the World War Van. Hitler believed that these people had helped in his financial life, due to which he had to face everyone. Hitler always kept the juice like an internal computer. A separate area was also provided for 'Toss', known as 'Toss'. Hitler used to define them according to race, due to which he believed that converting them would be of no use but final elimination was their solution and in this final elements It meant death. Hitler believed that it was necessary to be active in the politics of the country's war. He believed that a strong Nazi society could be created only by teaching Nazism to the youth of the country. Hitler also taught children to hate Juju in schools. He taught, first of all he expelled all the juice teachers from the school, after that all the Nancy children were not allowed to sit with juice, children started being taught discrimination. Hitler expelled the physical handicap children from the school and later sent them to the gas chamber. Only good Germans were given the right to go to school and Nazism was introduced into children's textbooks and they were taught to be loyal and submissive, as well as hate Jews and worship Hitler. Children during Hitler's time It was explained to them that they are different from women and no such thing as equality exists and if they become like women then the society will be ruined. Boys were told that they have to be aggressive and I am made for this and it is expected from women. The aim was that she should become a good man and give birth to full blooded Aryans. Along with this, women also had to maintain their purity. They were asked to stay away from juice and if any woman gave birth to an undesirable Lassi, she was punished. Nursing was done and awards were given to those who gave birth to desirable women. With this kind of education, nursing was being spread in Germany, although after Hitler's death, not only Germany but the whole world.
I understood that war can only bring hatred and destruction. After the end of this war, organizations like United Nations were formed. 


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