How China Captured Tibet | A Brief History of Tibet

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7th October 1950 was a dark day in the history of Tibet when the Chinese Army forcefully entered Tibet and annexed the peaceful land of Tibet and incorporated it into China. Those who raised their voice against this forceful government were killed. There was a time when Tibet's coin and its great ruler King Tris Datus, who adopted Buddhism and gave the message of peace, freed it from big empires like China's Tang Dynasty in the middle of the eighth century and captured China, but then the wheel of time changed. Something happened that China emerged as a leading country in South East Asia and on the basis of its power it wiped out Tibet from the map, then what happened that China captured Tibet and incorporated it into itself. The story of Tibet started from the beginning. At one time, Tibet was a culturally rich and strong independent nation that co-existed with China for centuries. This country, known as the Roof of the World, not only had its own distinct identity but was also thousands of years old. Initially, it consisted of three provinces. It was divided into Tibet first, U Tsang, second Amo and third Kham, but in the seventh century, the foundation of a unified Tibet was laid by combining these three provinces. The first dynasty to rule over it was the Yarlung Dynasty, whose first king was Namri Sang Sun. It was under his rule that Lhasa was divided. From about the 2nd century to the 9th century, Tibet emerged as a powerful kingdom in Central Asia, which was ruled by great kings like Song Sin Gpo, Tris Tsun and Ral Pakan, and during their reign, Tibet's dominance was established in the whole of Asia. Especially the Tris Dedus made the Tibetan Army so strong that even the forces of the enemy empire paled in front of Tibet, but the problem was that even at that time, China dreamed of getting Tibet and the dispute regarding the boundaries between the two kingdoms was very deep. The power conflict between China and Tibet continued for about 200 years and there were strong attempts to capture each other, but all this stopped when seeing Tibet's dominance and strong position, China itself decided to attack Tibet from further. In 821 BC, a peace treaty was signed between the Tang Empire of China and the Tibetan Empire of Tibet and on the basis of this treaty, both the countries decided that they would not try to grab each other's territory. While Tibet saw a strong imperial rule during the reign of great kings like Tsong Sun Gampu and Tris Tsun from the 17th to the 19th century, Buddhism also gradually began to flourish in Tibet during the same period and in the coming decades, Buddhism left Tibet in a similar manner. It became so important that it became an important part of their identity. It first started with King Sangsin Gapo who played the most important role in promoting Buddhism in Tibet. In fact, Maharaja Gapo married two Buddhist girls who were from China and Both these wives were from Nepal and came to Tibet with Buddhist statues, scriptures and Buddhist sacred objects and under their influence, Song Sin Gapo also chose the path of Buddhism. It was during his reign that Buddhist religious practices were introduced into the Tibetan court and society. But the influence of Buddhism on the general public was seen when in 755 AD, King Tris Dutsen took over the throne of Tibet at the age of only 13 and adopted Buddhism at the age of only 20. During his reign, Buddhism was introduced to Tibet. To spread Buddhism, he invited many Buddhist scholars from India and Nepal to Tibet and got Buddhist texts translated into Tibetan language. After this, many monasteries were also established in Tibet and Buddhism became popular not only among the kings but also among the common people and Tibetan culture. On one hand, Buddhism established its roots, which became its identity for Tibet, on the other hand, politically, the Tibetan Empire started weakening and the result was that in 1240 AD, Mongols captured Tibet and along with this, Mongols also captured many parts of China. But during their rule, the Mongols neither tampered with the religious autonomy of Tibet nor merged parts of Tibet and China, this also happened because the responsibility of military operations in Tibet was given to Godan Khan, the grandson of Gens Khan. He himself was influenced by Buddhism. In 1247 AD, Godan Khan met a Buddhist Lama i.e. spiritual leader Sakiya Pandit and after meeting him, he was so impressed that he himself adopted Buddhism, this is one of the reasons. Even after the Mongol invasion, Tibet's connection with Buddhism continued to deepen. Meanwhile, empires kept changing in Tibet, while many dynasties came and went in China, but China's dream of getting Tibet never changed. The conflict between the two countries continued. In 1645, Tibet got the support of Ngwan Lobsang Tso, who liberated Tibet in every way. Along with becoming the fifth Lama i.e. religious leader of Tibet, he also became the temporary ruler there. He was also called as The Great Fifth in the history of Tibet and for this After this, Tibet continued to exist as a pendant state for many decades but their independence was again eclipsed in 1717 by the Mongols who once again captured Tibet but after only 3 years, China came forward as the savior of Tibet. And he drove out the Mongols from Tibet.

 In 1720, Ching Dynasty ruled China due to which Tibet was Under the guise of helping, they wiped out the Mongols from there, but this Diana Dutti himself captured the Kham and Amo provinces of Tibet. As soon as they took control of these provinces, the Ching Dynasty made them a part of China and these provinces The name was changed to Chinghai, while the remaining part of Tibet remained a subordinate state for the Ching Dynasty, on which China left no opportunity to increase its influence. During this period, the dominance of China's Ching Dynasty had increased so much that this empire The British also kept their control tables untouched on many regions of Nepal, Vietnam, Korea and Mongolia because the British had already entered there and India was now a part of the British Raj. Meanwhile, the British also had their eyes on the beautiful Tibet, the Russian Empire and the British Empire. Due to the ongoing Great Game, controlling Tibet could prove the control and influence of the British in Central Asia. Also, Tibet was a buffer state between British India and the Russian Empire, where stability was very important for the British. Tibet's trade routes were also a means of earning profit for Britain, so when Britain started fearing that Russia could establish its influence on Tibet under the Great Game and this would also threaten British India, then between 1900 and 1904, Britain sent a military expedition under the leadership of Young Husband to Tibet. Its purpose was to maintain the supremacy of the British Empire in Central Asia and to keep Tibet away from the influence of Russia. Under this, in August 1904, the British Empire captured Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. And forcefully signed the Lhasa Convention with Tibet Han Representatives. Through this treaty, trade and diplomatic relations of the British were established with Tibet, but the British considered Tibet only as an autonomous state but Tibet did not get the status of an independent state from China, then it Only two years later, Britain signed a Sino-British Treaty of 1906 with China to keep Tibet away from Russia, in which Britain promised that it would take a compensation amount from China and in return Britain would not interfere in the matters related to China and Tibet. The effect of this treaty was that due to its geopolitics, Britain handed over the control of Tibet to China. Due to this, in the coming years, Tibet got trapped in the clutches of China and the future of this independent country was decided by Britain. And China did it alone. In 1912, an important turning point came in the relations between China, Britain and Tibet when the Ching Dynasty ended due to the Jinhai Revolution in China and civil war started in China. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tibet also attacked Lhasa. The Chinese troops were driven out and the Dalai Lama of this time declared Tibet an independent nation. He clearly said that we are a small religious and independent nation but the independence of Tibet was not liked by China as well as the British Raj. Because Tibet's independence also meant the threat of Russian dominance over it, hence the objective of the British was to maintain China's influence on Tibet. Keeping this in mind, in the year 1914, the British established a Shimla border between China and Tibet. The agreement was made but this agreement somehow failed on the Tibet issue because China refused to accept this agreement but an agreement was signed between Britain and Tibet in which Britain recognized Tibet as an autonomous self-governing region. But Britain did not declare Tibet a completely independent nation from China, the result of which was that Tibet remained independent as an autonomous region for the next 40 years. During this time, China wanted to establish its influence on Tibet but there was conflict going on in its own country. China remained away from Tibet due to political turmoil, civil war and British influence in Tibet. In the year 1949, China emerged as an independent country and with this, the days of peace of Tibet also ended. In fact, during this period, communism emerged in Chinese politics. The communist revolution intensified in the country under the leadership of Mao Zedo and the result was that the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China formed the government in China and Mao Zedo took power as President. As soon as Mao Zedo came to power, the biggest The development was that he took up the responsibility of liberating Tibet and uniting it with his motherland. Mao Zedo was a staunch communist who considered Tibet a part of China and the Chinese Communist Party also believed that Tibet would be an integral part of China in any case. That's why in order to capture it, Mao Zedong ordered the People's Liberation Army to enter Tibet and motivate the Tibetan government for talks. On one hand, 5 million Chinese troops along with Soviet military equipment were occupying Tibet, while on the other hand, Tibet was The government and the army neither had modern weapons nor were they prepared for war. Although the Tibetan government had made several attempts to modernize the Tibetan Army in the past years, they had failed and in the 1930s and 1940s They were not able to establish good relations even with foreign powers who could have stopped China's invasion of Tibet in difficult times, that is why in the year 1949, the Tibetan government made its last efforts to save Tibet and sought diplomatic support from UK and US.

At the same time, he also made it clear to Mao Dong that he would make every possible effort to protect Tibet from the infiltration of Chinese troops, but by then it was too late to resolve the conflict between Tibet and China. An attempt was also made by Britain and India, who tried to find a diplomatic solution through negotiation between the two countries. Under this, Tibetan representative and Chinese representative met in New Delhi. Here, Chinese Ambassador General Yuan Jung Xian put forward three point demand in front of Tibet. In which he wanted that Tibet should be considered a part of China, China should be responsible for the protection of Tibet and China should also be responsible for Tibet's foreign relations and trade. Fearing the attack by China, Tibetan representatives wanted that they should accept some of the conditions of China. Ready to accept, but Tibet's autonomy should remain intact, but the Tibetan government sitting in Lhasa was not ready for this, the result of which was that all the efforts of negotiations went in vain. If no diplomatic solution was found, China tried to get Tibet by deceit or force. It was ready, on 7th October 1950, China evacuated Tibet and sent thousands of its army to small Tibet. The army was specifically asked to advance in the eastern part of Tibet. PLA crossed the border at five places. They surrounded Tibet from all sides and captured the city of Cham Do and weakened the Tibetan Army. In Tibet, which taught peace to the world, China created such a havoc of unrest and misery that the situation became worse. Thousands of Tibetan soldiers were killed. Heavy pressure was put on the government by the Chinese government for negotiations. Keeping these bad conditions in mind, at the age of only 15, the 14th Dalai Lama was made the head of the state of Tibet because spiritual gurus are the most important leaders in Tibet. But this does not improve the situation of Tibet, that is why the Tibetan representative was forced to agree to the negotiations with the Chinese representative in Beijing. Negotiation talks with Tibet in Beijing are only an excuse for China under which it wants to talk to Tibet. The 17 point agreement already prepared is presented to the Tibetan delegates in Beijing and pressure is put on the Tibetan representatives to accept this agreement. In this agreement, China attacks Tibet. It is made clear that Tibet is a part of China, but at the same time, in the agreement, China also promises that Tibet's autonomy will remain intact, Buddhism that has been prevalent in Tibet for centuries will be respected and Tibet's There will be no tampering with the status power and position of the Agitified Lama. Although Tibet clearly rejects the first point of China, but keeping an eye on the remaining points of China, Tibet accepts this agreement, the general public and also the 16 year old Dalai Lama. This agreement is accepted due to the fact that there will be no interference from China in the internal political matter of Tibet. Under the guise of negotiation, China definitely gets Tibet to agree to its decision, but in the coming years, it fails miserably in living up to its promise. And this 17 point agreement itself becomes a big problem for Tibet. The pretense of saving the religious freedom and culture of Tibet does not last long under the intentions of China. One by one, China itself starts reneging on its agreement and China not only interferes in the political system of Tibet but also starts influencing the monasteries and religious institutions of Tibet. In the year 1954, Dala Lama visits China and is greatly impressed by the modernization development and infrastructure there. And like him, he invites many lamas on a visit to China and tries to bring them under his influence completely, but instead of introducing China's development and modernization in Tibet, he starts exploiting their resources. There is a dream of one country, one culture and one nation, which Mao Zedong adopts all means to fulfill, gradually China starts hollowing out the tradition and culture of Tibet and its independence from Tibet also gets compromised. In 1956, the Dalai Lama visits India and after meeting a Tibetan guerrilla fighter, he realizes China's growing strong hold on Tibet, which becomes even stronger in the coming years. China imposes its culture on Tibet in many ways. It imposes itself in such a way that the feeling of anger, frustration and rebellion increases among the people. Instead of liberating Tibet, China tries its best to imperialize it under its power. The common people in Tibet also face heavy separation. One has to become a victim, at many places even villages are set on fire, many war crimes are committed, in the year 1959, such a fire of rebellion is seen in Tibet which creates an uproar in the entire Tibet, the people of Tibet protest against China. But the tension in Lhasa increases beyond limits. Meanwhile, the Chinese government invites the Dalai Lama to China for a special theater performance Mamas, but their condition is that the Dalai Lama comes without security and without bodyguards. 

The immediate effect is that Tibet The people of Tibet believe that China is conspiring against the Dalai Lama and his life is in danger. Against this, a big uprising is seen from the Tibetan people. The Tibetan people come out on the streets to protect their Lama. Amidst the increasing tension, when the communication between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama gets broken, a counter attack is seen from the Chinese side. The Chinese government sends its soldiers to Tibet's capital Lhasa and surrounds it. In such a situation, its Lama The public stands outside the Potala Palace, the palace of the Dalai Lama, to save the Dalai Lama. On 12th March 1959, when the Dalai Lama asks his Oracle for a solution to deal with the situation, he asks him to leave Tibet. Pen during Oracle meditation They make outlines on paper and show them the way out of Tibet. Meanwhile, two huge explosions are heard near Juul Park in Lhasa. In such a situation, when the hope of survival becomes negligible, the Dalai Lama along with his mother, sister and some top After exchanging messages with the officials, they escape from the palace and find a way out of Lhasa city. During this, the Chinese military evacuates Tibet and takes control over it and with this, Tibet's sovereignty also comes to an end. After leaving Lhasa, the Dalai Lama heads towards India. On the other hand, the Chinese government carries out extensive search operations to catch the Dalai Lama. Many planes are deployed in search of the Dalai Lama, but after walking for several nights, the Dalai Lama remains in the Eastern Himalayas. Reaching the hills, although once the Chinese plains pass very close, he fails to recognize the Dalai Lama. In this journey, Dalai Lama has to go through a lot of trouble due to lack of water, food and shelter, but during this time he Help comes from America's CIA, which already had stations in the Himalayan region of India and Tibet. In fact, America was afraid that China might start a multi-nation war due to the Tibet conflict. Apart from this, due to the Cold War, the Soviet Union was already It was an ally country of China, hence it was necessary for America to support Tibet so that the expansion of communism could be countered, that is why America's CIA was training the Tibetan people in guerrilla warfare in the remote areas of Tibet and preparing them against China. On the other side, after walking for two weeks, Dalai Lama reaches the last Tibetan village which was on the Indian border. From here he writes a letter to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and explaining the situation in Tibet, he asks him to take refuge in India. As soon as he receives this letter, Jawaharlal Nehru sends soldiers of Assam Rifles and welcomes the Dalai Lama to India with full respect on the Indian border. On March 31, 1959, the Dalai Lama enters Arunachal Pradesh of India with his group and enters India. After the Dalai Lama leaves Tibet, this independent country becomes a part of China's territory. On March 28, the Tibetan Government is dissolved. Chinese forces forcefully establish their One Nation, One Culture and One Rule in Tibet. The theory continues to be imposed on Tibet, the result of which is that the people of Tibet are badly oppressed, their traditional ethnic identity is harmed, the Tibetan groups who took up arms after being upset with China's rule are supported by America. Guerillas trained for many years in Warfen, although Tibet could not do much better in Guerilla Warfen, so after a few years, America also raised its hands. After this, China started showing more aggression against Tibet. More than 6000 people were killed in Tibet. Buddhist monasteries and cultural sites are destroyed. Between 1966 and 1976, thousands of Tibetans are either killed by the separation from China or die of starvation. Tibet was dreaming of developing like China. Poverty and hunger increase even more in India. Tibet, which has never faced famine in history, goes through a major famine under China's rule in which more than 3 lakh innocent Tibetan people lose their lives. China also destroys Tibet's natural resources. It exploits badly and destroys the forests and exploits their resources. China stoops to such an extent in its brutality against Tibet that it disposes of its nuclear toxic waste in Tibet. The result of this is that today Tibet is China. This country, which was once known as a symbol of beauty and peace, is one of the most under-developed and high poverty regions of Tibet. Today, it is going through only sorrow and misery. Although the voice has been raised many times in Tibet against the rule of China, but now Tibet belongs to China. The beautiful dream of getting out of the clutches of has remained only a dream.


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