How Soviet Union Collapsed | The End of a Superpower | Dark Reality

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The day of December 25, 1991, when Russia witnessed the lowering of the Soviet Red Banner on Camlin and the rise of the Russian Tricolor, when millions of people lit more freedom lamps than Christmas candles when the media around the world I saw not just one or two but 15 countries being formed together. This is not a single date; some couples in the history book are possible to name, but the USSR did not break overnight just like that. It is said that the same houses collapse in the rains. If there have been cracks over the years, then this was the condition of the USSR too. The incidents that took place between 1985 and 1991 weakened the roots of the USSR, due to which one last blow in 1991 divided the USSR into 15 pieces. Just listen to all one union. If you have a child result, first of all, you have to know how the USSR created existence in the world, how the country named USSR came into existence, then it is about the year 1917 when the whole world was passing through the last phase of the World War Van at the time of October. The revolution was also at its stage. People also know the October Revolution by the name of the Bolshevik Revolution. This revolution was led by Koleda with great enthusiasm in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Provisional Government under the leadership of Lenin, after which Lenin ruled from 1917 to 1922. With every possible effort, he pacified all the civil wars and created a distinct identity for himself among the people. At this time, the story of Lenin's leadership was being spread all over the world. Lenin also took advantage of it and created a new nation the Soviet Union. Established in 1922, the Soviet Union i.e. USSR emerged as the largest nation in the world, which was made up of 15 countries, including Azerbaijan, Belora, Shia, nine Bilal, Estonia, Georgia, Kasak, Girgiya, Neo-Gargistan, Latvia, Slovenia, nine malls, Russia, Taza's places, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. And due to Uzbekistan coming to form the USSR, the crown of its first President was also given to Bloody Mary Lenin. Now before knowing further about the USSR, you should know what the is USSR after all? USSR i.e. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It was a country that was created by joining 15 countries, due to which this nation covered the largest area in the whole world. If we look at it, the USSR was born with the ideology of following real democracy, but with time, democracy became authoritarian. No one knew that it turned into a Raj. The purpose of the Well Lines was to unite all the people of the USSR and bring democracy to their country, but before they could succeed in this, he died in 1924, due to which his dream also came to an end. He could not rule the USSR for a long time, but after the death of Stalin, only Stalin was elected as the new President of the USSR, who left no stone unturned in converting democracy into authoritarian rule. Under Stalin's rule, a single-party system came where only the Communist Party. had the right to rule the USSR, that is, only the Communist Party would remain in the entire country, if no one had the right to form a political party, along with this system, Stollen also increased rapid industrialism and forced collectivization, which boosted their growth. But what were the many sequences in which the fame of 1930 is remembered even today? Millions of people lost their lives in this famine. Stalin was the reason for all this but he did not care about the people. Well, let me tell you. Ki Stolen was one of the most dangerous and crude rulers in history who never missed giving brutal and painful death sentences to the public as well as to his own people. Under his rule, people lived in hell, which he named Rose. The Gulab was a place where people were forced to be imprisoned and reduced to a minimum. During the entire rule of Stalin, about 18 million people were imprisoned in this Gulab. Yadav was killed by Jim and the remaining people were stolen after his death. Dance got relief. During Stalin's rule, not even a leaf of the USSR could move without its consent. It had spread so much among the people that people trembled even at its name. The Well Stolen ruled the USSR till its death i.e. 1953. Later, many people from the Communist Party became the President of that city and everyone followed the target step of this engrossment. There was no significant change in power in the USSR till 1985, but in 1985, Nikhil Gaur child became the President of the USSR, he not only took power Not only change the rules and regulations of the USSR but also calmed down the ongoing cold war between the two superpowers of the world, although the pacification of this cold war resulted in the division of the USSR it did not break its walls because of its gorgeousness. Apart from this, there were many such reasons which had weakened the roots of that city, so let us first know those deeds. Cold War was a war in the world in which two countries were fighting each other without any major bomb blasts. It was an ecological and ego award in which socialist There was a war between the USSR and the capital America to appear bigger in the world. Both of them tried everything possible to become a superpower in the world, in which adamant America won and the USSR broke into many pieces. Its victory and the disintegration of the USSR. It was not a matter of years, rather it took 40 to 45 years for this Cold War to end. Due to this Cold War, many big histories were created in both countries which are remembered even today.

You might be thinking that when both countries won World War II by being in the same party, then how did they fight? So let us understand that actually at the end of World War II, when America dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan. So the Second World War ended, after which America's atomic bomb created such fear in the world that people started fearing even the name of America, but the USSR did not like this. The USSR kept fighting throughout the Second World War, but in the end, everything America took credit. Apart from this, ideological and political rivalry had also made a place for itself between the two, both of them were the most powerful countries in the world at that time, due to which no one was ready to bow down, due to which two big people of around 40 to 45 years of age There was such a war between the nations, the flame of which can be seen even today between America and Russia. Now a question arises when there was enmity between the two, then why was it not ended carefully? What was the need for this? Now, there was a reason behind this question of prolonging the enmity for 40 years. Actually, due to participation in the Second World War, both countries had already suffered a lot. Both countries had already lost many of their soldiers, resources, and courage, due to which a war was no less sensible on top of that, everyone was aware of the danger of nuclear weapons, so if there was a war, both the countries would have suffered huge losses. Well, let's talk about the Cold War again, to win which the USSR used its USSR spend all its wealth and fame. USSR spent all its government funds to show down America. First of all, there was a space war between the two, in which the USSR won. The USSR first launched the first orbiting satellite, the Spartan Van. Along with this, the USSR was the first nation which send a human being into space for the first time in 1961, whom you know by the name of Yuri Gagarin. Not only this, the USSR also became the first country to send an animal into space. Apart from this, the Soviet Union also launched the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile. Missiles were also launched, not only this, the USSR gave gadgets and weapons to the communist parties all over the world, they also spent money on their military, they expanded their military a lot, which involved a lot of money, during this time the USSR also spent less money on many of its nuclear weapons. Not only did we talk about the USSR, but America also spent money indiscriminately like them, and in its attempt to become big, the USSR fell into a severe economic crisis due to which the people there had to face a lot of problems. For example, the USSR lost its livelihood. By selling weapons till then, weapons were procured due to which anger started to erupt among the public, which later proved to be a major factor for the USSR, be it thirst or when the price of petrol increases, the public automatically takes to the streets. USSR took to the streets in cold blood. Due to the war, its government treasury was completely emptied. USSR News Sama did not do anything for its people due to which the condition of that city kept getting worse. The economy of that city was declining every year for 10 years. The country lost a lot. It must have been a situation that I had to face, money was being spent like water on the region's military and all the money was flying in the air to win the war with America in the space war. Apart from this, some situations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia were completely under the control of the USSR. But they were dependent due to which the USSR had to spend money on them also, due to which their GDP kept falling with time. Yuva Nagar. If you look at this graph, you will see that before 1985, the GDP of the USSR kept falling continuously. The USSR became one with democratic thinking but under authoritarian rule, the people were not allowed to even breathe as per their wishes. Due to the Nation Van Party Policy, the Communist Party ruled here for about 70 years, due to which the people of the party themselves started ruling the government. Started stealing the treasury i.e. the people of the party indulged in massive corruption over the years and also kept on weakening the nepotism and lack of transparency. Apart from this, please note that due to its policies, there was a fight among the party's own people between the party and Hassan. Due to this, the government at one time became so weak that it could not control its disintegrating USSR. Now the feeling of nationalism started spreading among the people. One of the reasons for this was the progress and growth of the neighboring country. When people see the European status we are becoming prosperous day by day but our government is ruining our country. Then the people of the USSR also started peaceful protests. The first to speak out of these protests were the republics, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. One of the reasons for this was also That this country was liberated before World War 2 but when World War II ended, it forcibly included them in itself, now seeing them, all the other statuses also demanded their freedom, now people should be free from the dictatorship of Communist Party. The Han is gone but some Asian countries were still proud because they were completely dependent on the USSR now the USSR government also started taking all these protests lightly and this was their biggest mistake. Now before going ahead let us tell you. Let us tell you that the disintegration of the USSR did not happen only in a few days or months, there were many battles and many other stories behind its disintegration. To divide the USSR into 15 countries, not just one but many battles were fought. People took to the streets and demanded their demands. 

Rakhi many questions Protests were conducted due to which the demand for independence intensified throughout the USSR. To protest, many groups were formed at various places across the USSR. The first group named Helsing's 86 raised its voice in front of the Soviet government. Latrine on Helsing's 86 This group, formed in July 1986 in Ko Town, was a communist group that openly raised slogans against the government of the USSR, and that too after seeing their protest and confidence in large numbers, people across the USSR took to the streets. 26 December 1986 is the date when 300 Latvians gathered on the Regus Cathedral Square and raised slogans like Soviet Russia Out Free LETV. People started moving towards Lenin Avenue with this slogan for their freedom. Given the march, the security forces also tried to stop them, but by then the fire of freedom had spread across Russia to such an extent that it was difficult to stop it. Even before this protest, people had made many small protests at their level. But all those protests did not yield any result and in December 1986, riots were also seen in Kazakhstan, one of which was the removal of the First Secretary of Kazakhstan Party and an ethnic Kasak from his throne and replacing him with an outsider, due to which On 17 December 1986, 200 to 300 students started a demonstration in front of the Central Committee building. This protest soon took the form of civil unrest, due to which classes were seen among the normal militia troops and volunteers. The protests continued continuously for about three days. After three days, the police were able to calm down all the protests. After these protests, people's anger started erupting in various places, like, in the sixth year of 1987, a Russian group named Bamyad started doing a sanction demonstration in Moscow. The demonstration was at a good level due to which big authorities could not stop them and traffic started getting clogged on the roads. In this demonstration too, people started doing public marches with their demands. After this, on July 7, 1987, around 300 km of wall was built. A noisy demonstration was held in front which lasted for several hours. Here the protest took place under the supervision of police and soldiers. Here the protesters put their demands in front of everyone. Again on 23rd August 1987, the capitals of all three balls came together in thousands of numbers and demanded their freedom. The police kept a constant watch there to keep an eye on this huge crowd, but no one interfered in their public meeting or procession, not only this, but this time the number of people was so high that even the press This entire protest was covered well. Earlier, on June 14, 1987, about 5000 people gathered together and demanded their freedom. Now it was not that the Soviet government was not able to see all these movements, just this time they took the people lightly. They never dreamed that one day these small protests would break their country into pieces. This protest was also controlled by the police all the time, but here too the police did not say a word to anyone. Due to this, there was more confidence in the entire Baltic Nation and people started doing all the movements enthusiastically. After this, many protests took place. Some police remained silent and surrendered their weapons in front of the anger of the people, while some police clashed with civilians. But there was no use in stopping anyone, first only in politics, then gradually the entire USSR promoted these protests, Anderson of which you know, in fact, after World War II, Germany was also divided into two parts. That too by erecting a wall which you know as Bold in Wall, where on one side was West Berlin where people were happy and enjoying democracy, freedom, and a normal life, and on the other side was East Germany where people were free from dictatorship. Both of them had to dance to the tune of their government, due to which the people of East Golden were worried about going to West Burden, but they were not allowed to do so. To stop the migration of people, the government created many varieties of viruses and I don't know how many jugaads were used, but people still used some jugaad to go to the other side, sometimes they jumped over the wall to reach the other side, sometimes they used stairs and many people even jumped from the windows of their houses to the other side. Jaya Karte De Bus Then finally the government decided to down the strict regulations on the border regarding the wall, but before the government could do anything, the people themselves demolished the Berlin Wall which had a great impact on the status of the USSR. The citizens of the USSR started demanding the fruits of the boarding wall and started seeing their chances of independence. They felt that if the people of Germany could fight for their independence then why can't we. In 1985, Nikhil Gaur Bachiv was elected the President of the USSR. His way of thinking and reducing was a bit different from the Communist Party. As soon as he came, he first did a reduction for the welfare of his people. He immediately took some steps to boost the falling economy of his country, which his own party did not like. Basim Manly introduced two big and unexpected policies the first Gilas and the second Paris Troy, both of which are Russian words that mean open.

Press and this structuring is coding. Liberty was provided to the common people of the USSR which they had been demanding for years. According to this policy, the people there were given rights like freedom of speech, and they could live their lives as per their wishes and media. She was also given some freedom, now she could publish anything of her choice but no restrictions of any kind would be imposed by the government. People now had the liberty to suck and kill their relations according to their own. Apart from this, there were 100 former political decidens. Was also kept from jail. The second policy is terrestrial i.e. restructuring, which also led to the economic transformation of the USSR. In this, people had the right to private stations, that is, people could also do their own business and investment, which till now was only within the government. Not only this, foreign investment also started happening through it, which benefited the country's economy. Under this, apart from the economic changes, political changes also took place, that is, now the new and younger generation started being kept in the lead group of the Communist Party, which automatically laid the foundation of free and democratic elections in the Soviet Union, but little did Gore Bache know that the changes made for the welfare of the people would eventually backfire on her. In fact, this is what happened when Gore introduced the children to the people with words like freedom and liberty. When this was done, their hunger increased further, and now they started demanding not partial freedom but full freedom, due to which people started coming out on the streets at various places in the USSR, peaceful talk is not just about two policies, but the children are the next biggest ones. The step was such that in February 1990, Gaur Bache called his Parliament and announced that the single-party system was going to end, now we would conduct elections in our country and the people would be their own leaders, after which elections were held in all the USSR states. And the Communist Party faced a bad phase. During this phase, an incident happened which brought down the dilapidated house of the USSR in one blow. In fact, as we had told you earlier also that the Communist Party was not happy with the change in Gaur Bashesh. As soon as the party got the opportunity, it put Gauri Bechef under house arrest and spread rumors throughout the country that Gauri Bechef's health was not good, due to which the Ministers of the Communist Party or the Hardliners of the Soviet Union's Communist Party would take over the government for some time. Hard-liners and ministers, those eight big leaders of the Communist Party were not at all happy with his reforms. These leaders included big leaders like the Defense Minister of the USSR, Vice President Gaur Bachhe, and the Defense Council Deputy. Now the Communist Party had a complete Emergency imposed in the country because they did not want the USSR to ever talk, these people held Gauri Bachif responsible for everything happening in the country, due to which the ministers in the party made a complete plan to remove Gauri Bachif from the post of President. Well, let us tell you that the Emergency is also known as the August Coup, after its imposition, something completely wrong happened in the country. Where the whole country should have been seen as empty, now people come out on the streets, and things have gone out of hand. Seeing that people were ignoring this decision of the Communist Party very badly, the government deployed its own army on the streets and ordered to calm down the protests, but the army officers also refused to open fire on their own people. Now there is always someone who stands like a wall to lead every protest evolution, the same happened in this protest too, it is a Communist Party leader who has now decided to separate from his party. He made a decision and came out on the streets with the people of his country to fulfill their demands. He also made a big contribution to breaking the USSR. He wanted all the countries to get freedom and everyone could live as per their wish. Lotus of Boris Ad Sin Due to his leadership quality and people's help during the protests, when Russia separated from the USSR, after the elections he was chosen as the first President of Russia. He became a national hero for the people who gave them independence on December 8, 1991. Three big countries, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, together declared themselves independent nations by canceling the USSR 3D of 1922. After the independence of these three countries, the USSR broke up. The remaining countries also declared their independence one by one. On December 26, 1991, Gaur Bachcha also resigned from his post, which brought about the end of the biggest country and the biggest superpower in history. As soon as the USSR started falling into pieces, its daily President George Bush appeared on TV on December 25, 1991. In his speech announcing the end of the Cold War, East India, it is no more, he told people more about America's victory over the USSR than the Christmas special, one of his lines somewhere is quite famous [praise] Incident is such an important chapter of our history. From children's books to competitive exams, it has made a good place for itself. When the USSR broke, the sword of survival hung over the country because the new government had neither money nor resources. There was a lot of turmoil among the people too. But with time the problems also got resolved. Every country declared itself independent. Even today, Russia is the largest country among the separated countries, and that too in the whole world. From this, you can imagine how much the USSR Ukraine will be a bigger country after Russia. Ukraine is the country that took away the largest part of the USSR. After the disintegration of the USSR, America became the world's largest country. They later got the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Cold War. Price was awarded


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